Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Starting soon, I'd be camping with Matt & my chocolate boy, Tanner. This time, our goal is to camp at as many provincial parks in Ontario as possible. With this goal, I'd like to take pictures of every park I've been to and share my thoughts and perspectives about each park.

This August, we will be camping at 3 different parks. We want to start small, see what we come up with every time we camp -- to prepare for long term camping in Northern region of Ontario next summer. We do not have all the items we would need but we would not want to buy the items we think we need and then find we don't need them during the camping experience.

Tomorrow, we head over to Long Point Provincial Park for 4 days. That'd be our first.

Later in August, we'd be camping in Wheatley Provincial Park for one week and near the end of the month, we'd be staying in Emily Provincial Park in Peterborough for 5 days.

I look forward to this :)

'til then!