Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Long Point Provincial Park

Length of stay: 3 nights, 4 days

Temperature: at least 35-40c plus the humidity

Weather: clear and sunny all the way,
with bright moonshine or stars at night

Park Quality: no electricity, nice and environmentally clean,
a few minute walk to a small store and to the beach,
a small comfort station nearby, lots of trees and sand dunes
and plenty of poison ivy plants and flies. Several cute chipmunks.

Was mistaken for poison ivy at first.... studied the plant in the booklet
and finally identified the real plant. There were many of them.

Our Site Quality: (#251) sandy, partially private,
shaded in the a.m. and early p.m.
and full sunshine, slightly shaded from 3 to 6pm,
almost no breezes.

Invented addition of tent roof and umbrella for shade and breeze...
Screenhouse is a good shaded shelter but not good
for letting the breeze in, when there is a breeze.

Quality of workers: Always seen around, mellow and friendly.

Quality of neighbours: Friendly, quiet and a good number of peers for Tanner :)


How do I rate our experience camping there? I wouldn't rate well because there are factors to be considered. Would I want to camp there again?

That depends. The sand is everywhere... They easily go into our stuff, our food and else. The hot weather didn't make sand convenient for us at all... With the sweats we shed, the sand was easily attached to our skin from head to toe and was hard to get rid of. See how sand gets in Tanner's mouth and his food area (only because Tanner dug sand for cooler surface)...

The sand was also discomforting for Tanner to walk on; too hot and too penetrating as well as irritating on his paws. Consequently, he is put on antibiotics for 14 days because of the infection that grew inside his paw.

His treats are hard to eat... You'd see Tanner's favorite red ball with milkbones inside in most pictures. He could hardly touch it because of the sand. To give him treats, I must hold my hand under his mouth for fallen crumbs or else he'd swallow them covered with sand.

Matt got this cardboard as his plate mat. This treat, you see, is called 'super chew' which is good for a weekly dose of nutrition. It was his first time having this kind of treat.

Because of his super chew treat, he made several more dumps than he used to and thank goodness for sand, they make it easier for pick up just like the ones in the cat litter box.

The flies and bugs were our true pests. See Tanner's first bite near his eye:

We bought Muskol, a Canadian product of Insect Repellent and sprayed ourselves nonstop for four days. Imagine sand stuck on us after the spray... Anyway, Tanner often tried escaping when we reached for the Muskol. After the visit to the vet today, he said to spray repellent on cloth and wipe it on him, instead of spraying on him. Tanner dislikes being sprayed by water, so it's likely the spray that bothers him.

Citronella candle helped, day and night!

If the weather is much cooler, I'd say I'd give it a chance. The park is beautiful... and I'd love for us to spend more time by the water but because of Tanner's limping from day one, we didn't want to make him go through on hot sand again or leave him at the site alone. Because Tanner did not enjoy his days at the park due to extreme heat and the irritating sand, we couldn't enjoy as well. However, we did enjoy there at nights when the temperature lowered.

It's just that the weather was the biggest factor.

See how heat has gotten to Tanner -- he panted, dug for cooler surface, and appreciated the wind of a truck ride and a swim outside our park where there were no sand dunes.

The ride to the park from home... already panting.

*endless panting*

Digging to no end...

Still not satisfied after digging *a big sigh*

Now, see in the sequence how appreciative he is with the evening ride and the dip in the lake.

Random pictures:

Next, we'd be off to Wheatley Provincial Park for a week.

1 comment:

Laural said...

i love tanner pixs:)

you're so tannnn even with your racoon eyes *wink*